What a magical movement this is ..
These are not only a great movement exercise to develop strength and co-ordination but also a ‘transferable’ exercise in that they lead to develop the foundations to more complex and challenging skills referred to in the context of Capoeira as ‘*florieos’, more commonly known today in english as ‘soft acrobatics’
Prerequisites: Understanding the basic mechanics of a press up
Step 1:
Start in sitting position on the floor with both legs straight. Turn torso to the left and right while looking straight ahead.
Step 2:
Bend your right leg bringing the flat of the right foot toward your bum at a comfortable distance
Now still looking straight ahead turn torso to the left placing the hands down and ‘press’ the torso down and then press up the way you came down. Repeat as many times as your comfortable in understanding of the movement
Then pressing through the arms lift the straight leg off the ground and press the torso down and up.
Note: Keep looking ahead, bringing the ear toward the ground
Step 3:
Start from a seated all fours position. Arms beside you with fingers facing out to the sides, both knees bent and feet flat to the ground press through the arms and lift bum off the floor
Straighten the leg of your choice, bringing arms to the side of the straight leg
Key Points:
Keep the elbow of the base arm tucked beside the ribs (same as our press ups) lean forward as you ‘press down’ and keep pressing through the arms and hands.
Fingers point the direction you press down.
Keep the straight leg and bum off the floor! Only thing touching the ground should be the hands and the base foot (of the bent leg).
Look toward the foot of the straight leg. ‘Listen to the ground’ keep your ear facing toward the ground.
Remember that this is just a guide of the mechanics. A ‘Negativa’ implies much more than this! But in terms of the mechanics you should be looking to make slight micro adjustments to the positioning of the movement to suit you. This is very important !
Feedback points:
Look ahead at the foot of the straight leg. Feel the ground through hands and base foot
*Nagativa(s): From the Portuguese root Nega (Of black), to Negar (To say no).
There are more variants to this ‘Negativa’ hence the use of the plural. However this is the type of Negativa we often visit in our ‘movement rituals’ sessions.
In general and simple terms the mechanic of a ‘Negativa’ is any position on the ground where one leg is bent and the other straight
*Floreio(s): From ‘flor’, flower to blossom and flourish named after they’re beauty, delicacy, intricacy and hidden danger due their ability divert attention and hide the Capoeiras intention